6 Solutions to Chapter 5 - Neural Networks

Excersie 2.1: We increase the training size and tweak network structure in various ways.

tdims <- 5000 #Number of samples to generate
x <-  runif(tdims, min=0, max=100) #Generate random x in range 0 to 100
y <- sqrt(x) #Calculate square root of x

trainingX  <- array(0, dim=c(tdims,1)) #Store data as an array (required by Keras)
trainingX[1:tdims,1] <- x
trainingY  <- array(0, dim=c(tdims,1))
trainingY[1:tdims,1] <- y

#Now do the same but for a independently generated test set
x <-  runif(tdims, min=0, max=100)
y <- sqrt(x)

testingX  <- array(0, dim=c(tdims,1)) #Store as arrays
testingX[1:tdims,1] <- x
testingY  <- array(0, dim=c(tdims,1))
testingY[1:tdims,1] <- y

mod <- Sequential()
mod$add(Dense(10, input_shape = c(1)))

keras_compile(mod,  loss = 'mean_squared_error', metrics = c('mean_squared_error'), optimizer = RMSprop())

keras_fit(mod, trainingX, trainingY, validation_data = list(testingX, testingY), batch_size = 1000, epochs = 450, verbose = 1)

newX <- as.matrix(seq(from = 0, to = 200, by = 5))
predY <- keras_predict(mod, x = newX)

For comparison we can also use linear regression to compare our predictions:

colnames(trainingX) <- "x"
colnames(trainingY) <- "y"
lrfit <- lm(y~x)
newd <- data.frame(x=newX)
predictedValues<-predict.lm(lrfit, newdata = newd)
#RMSE = sqrt( mean((testingY - predictedValues)^2) )
lines(newX,predictedValues, col="red")

Excercsie 2.1: The network architecture should be fine for this task. However a noisy version of the input data will have to be generated (e.g., by setting a random set of pixels to zero) to be passed in to the AE. A clean version of the data should be retained and passed to the AE as the output.

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